Highlights from the New Edition
  • When he was forty years of age, Reverend Meredith Sprunger rejected the Urantia Papers. Then, in 1956, unusual circumstances set into motion events that would cause him to reconsider The Urantia Book and would eventually reconfigure his life ... PAGES 13-19.

  • The amazing passages in the 1929 book, The Mind at Mischief by William Sadler, that would allure Dr. Sprunger and several associate pastors to Chicago to meet the famous psychiatrist ... PAGES 20-25.

  • In May of 1958, the two colleagues, Sadler and Sprunger met. Sadler spoke freely about the Revelation, with the exception of two things he said he could never disclose. What were they? ... PAGES 30-32.

  • In the early days of the Forum, Dr. Sadler became concerned that his wife and members of the group were beginning to believe the material they were getting. When he cautioned them about maintaining objectivity, he was astounded by the reaction ... PAGES 33-35.

  • The sleeping subject was silent through many sessions, until Lena Sadler chanced to ask a question. This innocent question initiated the first contact ... PAGE 50.

  • Many original concepts are introduced to the Sadlers that "altered" their religious beliefs "over a twenty year period of pre-education" ... PAGES 88-92.

  • The turning point of the early contacts took place when Dr. Sadler engaged an especially "electric" personality. His challenge to Dr. Sadler eventually led to the Forum's involvement and the Urantia Papers ... PAGES 54-55.

  • Circa 1923, the Sadlers began a large, informal Sunday meeting that would eventually become the Forum. One afternoon Dr. Sadler generated great interest when he mentioned to the Forum that there was a single case of apparent psychic phenomena he was unable to explain scientifically ... PAGE 65-66.

  • The Forum submits several hundred difficult questions to stump the alleged contact. Before Dr. Sadler can present them, the answers are materialized and a new phase of the revelation begins ... PAGES 66-68.

  • The first "Paper" was read to the Forum on January 18, 1925. It made little impression on the members. It is likely that no one had a clue that they had suddenly become involved with an epochal revelation ... PAGES 75-76.

  • Revelation is not religion, it rather synthesizes "the apparently divergent sciences of nature and the theology of religion into a consistent and logical universe philosophy" ... PAGE 98.

  • How were the Urantia Papers materialized into the English language? ... PAGES 105-111.

  • Circa 1929, the Forum members are advised that they now know enough to ask "more intelligent questions," and are ordered to begin a new reading of the Papers ... PAGES 82-83.

  • During the next five years the original 57 Papers increase to 118 ... PAGE 114.

  • In 1935, the complete Jesus Papers arrive (to the surprise of the Sadlers and the Forum since they were not in response to questions) ... PAGES 117-118.

  • Dr. Sadler and Bill attempt to write a Foreword to the Papers, it is rejected. The Contact Commission is advised that no human content would be allowed in The Urantia Book ... PAGES 127-128.

  • The Forum is advised (through the Contact Commission) that the general lack of enthusiasm is shocking. "I admonish you to be ever alert to the extraordinary trust that has been place in your hands" ... PAGE 131.

  • The "Sherman Tempest," 1942, shakes up the culture of the Forum ... PAGES 135-140. (Also see revisions to the "Tempest" based upon the Sherman Diaries in Supplement 2, after the index).

  • 1942-1945, the Urantia Papers are set in type, proofed, approved, and the printing plates are cast. "Informal" proofing continues, and additional errors are detected in pages printed from the plates ... PAGES 140-146.

  • Why were the original manuscripts ordered to be destroyed? ... PAGES 146 and 149.

  • A list of some of the more significant editorial changes that were made to the text in subsequent printings after the original printing in 1955 ... PAGES 151-157.

  • After ten years of delays, The Urantia Book is published. A final message is received: "You are now on your own" and, after nearly fifty years, the connection between mortals and the unseen super-mortal "contact commission" went dead. Dr. Sadler: "They didn't even say goodbye" ... PAGE 183.

  • The fate of the Contact Commissioners ... PAGES 189-190.

  • 1967-1968, The destruction and replacement of many of the original plates by Urantia Foundation for the second printing of The Urantia Book ... PAGES 193-231.

  • 1971, Urantia Foundation elects to complete the destruction of the original plates. PAGE 216.

  • June 20, 1973 speech by Martin Myers at a Urantia conference seems to signal a shift to more authoritarian leadership by Urantia Foundation, announcing "secret mandates" ... PAGES 235-237.

  • Urantia Foundation institutes "slow growth" policies, and begins launching lawsuits against Urantians to enforce these policies ... PAGES 237-240; 257-263; Supplement 3.

  • In January 1983, Vern Grimsley, "Special Agent" for Urantia Foundation, claims to be receiving messages from "midwayers," and warns that World War III is eminent ... PAGES 240-257.

  • Review of findings ... PAGES 275-279.

  • The misuse and distortion of so-called "secret documents" and apocrypha ... PAGES 279-287.

  • Did Dr. Sadler authorize changes to the text? ... PAGES 287-288.

  • 2000, "The Golden Years," a Urantia-authorized history of the Urantia movement to commemorate its fiftieth anniversary. In several cases it conflicts with previous Foundation documentation ... PAGES 288-292.

  • Appendixes and supporting documentation ... PAGES 310- 403.
Three important Supplements follow the index:
  • Supplement 1: The "Sherman Tempest" according to The Sherman Diaries. This is very valuable historic information. What does it really prove?

  • Supplement 2: Serious scholars evaluate the Urantia Papers .. In 2007, Cambridge University Press published The Invention of Sacred Tradition, a book that examines the phenomena of what the editors term "invented traditions" in religion. The Invention of Sacred Tradition is of special interest to Urantians for several reasons.

  • Supplement 3: The Story of "CUBS", Center for Urantia Book Synergy, and the pivotal role it played during the turbulent years of litigation until the Revelation was set free. Finally, in January of 2008, the Board of Trustees amended and greatly liberalized Urantia Foundation's policy regarding the use of the Foundation's registered marks: the words "Urantia" and "Urantian," and the Banner of Michael, the Concentric-Circles Symbol.